
Coffee: to drink or not to drink…

Why We Like Coffee Rich and flavourful.  Hints of dark chocolate and raspberry.  Swirling clouds of cream and a spoonful of maple syrup.  We are a nation (nay, world) obsessed with coffee.  If you search #coffee on Instagram there are millions of posts and counting.  Our fascination with this beverage deserves a post all of its own, but this is [...]

2021-06-14T20:50:01+00:00June 14th, 2021|

Barefoot Health & Safety

Covid-19 Office Policies Client Guidelines: Masks are required to be worn by both practitioner and patient. Please bring one with you if possible and put on before entering the treatment space (reusable or disposable is fine). Please wait outside the office or in your car before your appointment to avoid congestion in the waiting area, coming into the clinic only [...]

2021-06-14T19:27:43+00:00May 29th, 2020|
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